Saturday, 10 November 2018

MACCL #2 Kenworthy Woods

Did an easy 3 miles in the morning on grass since I had missed two consecutive days on Thu/Fri. Felt fine.

Arrived at University playing fields as ladies race was underway around 1:40pm. Warmed up with Tim Rainey for a mile and a bit before getting into the huge field (500+) of senior men. Ground was firm and dry with only one section with anything remotely looking like sticky mud - which was easily avoided in any case.

Got into a decent rhythm but wasn't going too fast. Felt I could manage this pace and slowly made my way back though the field after starting in midfield. Got into a little race with a young lad from Stockport, going past him on the flat only to be retaken as he shot up the small climbs each lap. By the end he had my number and eased away from me. Other than that got a shout from Dave with 200 to go which injected a sprint to just duck under 40 mins. Not a bad effort but only marathon pace and with two days off in the week a bit "meh".