Friday, 31 August 2018

Had a rest day yesterday as legs were not happy at all.

Since it was Sumo big day out and I wasn't required to be in work for 8am I decided to run yesterday's scheduled 10 miles this morning.

Legs felt a lot better so pushed the pace after halfway. Conditions perfect.

PM: after getting home from Sumo big day out went for an easy 3 mile jog to round out the month.

August stats:

Total miles: 224

Total sessions: 26

Total time: 29hrs26mins

Calories: 23,238

Wednesday, 29 August 2018

9 miles tonight and the big story is how bad my legs felt from last night's hill session. Destroyed is one word to describe them. Even walking downstairs is painful.

The first mile tonight was uncomfortable but once my legs warmed up the rest of the run wasn't so bad, just the odd twinge and ache to put up with.

Conditions were cool evening sunshine.

9 miles in 68:07


HR avg 144

Polar index 69

Tuesday, 28 August 2018

Decided to mix things up tonight and run some hill repeats. After considering some route options I decided to head out to Dovestones reservoir which has an off road loop around the main reservoir and then a steep track up to Chew reservoir (once the highest reservoir in the country).

Having taken inspiration from a Runners World schedule for running the marathon in under 3 hours, I set off to run 9 miles total with 15*2mins up hill with jog back down recoveries (including warm-up, cool-down).

After the warm-up (2miles easy) I arrived at the start of the track up to Chew reservoir. I had totally forgotten how steep the track sets off at from the bottom. Needless to say, I was seriously struggling within 60 seconds of setting off on my first rep of 15!!!

I managed 4 reps before having to adjust the session and move further up the track to a less demanding gradient. This decision saved the session and I managed to complete 6 more reps before heading back to the car totally spent.

Although the session wasn't as intended I felt I worked hard enough to get a training benefit and my legs got some good strength training which should help during the remaining weeks. Not sure how much of a hurry I will be in to return to Dovestones tho.

Monday, 27 August 2018

Long drive home from mums so squeezed in 5 miles which felt harder than it should have. Similar to yesterday and noting resting heart rate was high again so perhaps some fatigue.

Did some stretching and foam rollering in the evening. I need to make this a habit to keep legs fresh as the heavy mileage kicks in over next 3 weeks.

Sunday, 26 August 2018

6.5 miles in Holbury enclosure at mums. Just needed to bag some easy miles to make it another 55+mile week.

Relatively easy but some lingering heavy legs from 20 the previous day.

Saturday, 25 August 2018

20 miles today at 8:30am in perfect dry and cool conditions. The sun was out at times but the temp never went up too much.

First mile was easy pace in 8:15. Goal today was loosely to pace at 7:50/mile for the first 15 miles, then try to raise the pace towards planned marathon pace (PMP) which I am aiming to be 6:50/mile (2:59:59 marathon).

Things went to plan mostly up to 13 miles, then my watch complained of being low on battery. This prompted me to switch to a lower quality GPS setting. This coincided with me experiencing stomach pains for the first time this campaign.

Not sure what caused the pains. Possibly the fact I went for a curry last night, or maybe the protein bar and half a banana I ate just before setting off .

Whatever it was it was enough for me to lose some focus and combined with the watch issues meant I struggled a little for next couple of miles.

As it turned out the battery survived at set the GPS back to quality setting as it was adding the distance up wrong in the lower quality mode. Last two miles were decent but the planned faster miles at the end never happened. Not sure I could have done them anyway as was very tired.

Friday, 24 August 2018

After yesterday's rest day I wanted to push the pace a little in tonight's 8 mile run. Also tested the automatic lap average pace feature.

Pretty good run considering the tiredness experienced yesterday. 8 miles in 58:50. Laps were as follows:


The lap average metric worked very well and I felt comfortable at that pace.

Thursday, 23 August 2018

Rest day today as resting HR a little high during sleep and during the day. It is usually around 40, 41 overnight and not much more at lowest point during the day.

However, it was at 46 overnight and not much lower during the day today so taking a break.

Wednesday, 22 August 2018

6 easy miles tonight. Felt ok as took things steady.

Used a new metric on my watch which I didn't know about to view automatic lap average pace. This is extremely useful in controlling pace on a per mile basis. I used to use this metric all the time on my previous Garmin watches and was disappointed to learn this Polar M430 did not have this feature. Turns out it does.

Having run the first 5 miles around 8:30/mile I decided to up the pace to 7:30 to test the metric for change of pace. The watch did ok after some lag but I found it a little tougher than it should feel to run at this pace for the last mile. Will probably take a rest day tomorrow.

Conditions were a little drizzly but otherwise not too bad.

Tuesday, 21 August 2018

It was very hot when I got in from work so delayed tonight's planned 10 miles until 8pm.

Since light was already fading (summer is disappearing quickly now) I ran on my standard 5 mile road loop. It's not ideal as it has a couple of big road junctions, however, it is mainly on good pavements with long stretches of straight paths to get into a decent rhythm.

Started out feeling reasonable considering last night's blast and basically got into my stride early doors. Despite the temperature dropping it was still hot enough for me to be soaked after the first lap.

The second lap was run in darkening conditions with street lights now fully illuminating the route. I managed to pick the pace up quite comfortably and felt like I was running well. Almost that nirvana bliss like state of floating along effortlessly towards the end. Very hot and pretty tired when I got home though. Easy miles tomorrow.

Monday, 20 August 2018

6 miles tonight in perfect conditions for running. My legs felt pretty decent despite the 20 miles the previous day. So much so I decided to add some pace.

Generally speaking it should have been an easy run to recover from the long run, however, since I felt good and I don't think I've been doing enough speed work, I decided to have a blast.

Ended up with 6 miles in 40:58 which is 6:49/mile or bang on marathon pace with a sub 3 hours target.

Pacing was a little erratic with splits as follows:


HR average 156

Felt in control mostly and whilst it felt a hard pace I could have done another couple of miles, especially if I had controlled the pace better.

Ideally I would run this session closer to MP and not build up so much lactic with the 'too fast' miles.

Sunday, 19 August 2018

20 miles done in fairly decent conditions today. Set my alarm for 7am but was always thinking I would never get out that early, the rain pelting the bedroom windows only confirmed that prediction.

Slept the extra couple of hours only to wake and get dressed to run to witness the rain falling heavier than before. So took the opportunity to rest some more and eventually set out just after 11am.

The run itself was uneventful apart from an unexpected ear-worm in the form of the Arctic Monkeys' song 'Teddy Picker'. This song rattled around for most of the 2 hours 37+ minutes I was out for.

Legs ok apart from feeling a little sluggish between 8-12 miles. Towards the end it got a little more uncomfortable but I noted at the time that I had picked the pace up from the steady 8:00/mile pace I had set out at.

20 miles in 2:37:29

HR average 145bpm

Average pace 7:53/mile

Polar Index 70

Weight in the morning (before run) 12st 8lbs

Refueled with this later on...

Saturday, 18 August 2018

Got out after arriving back home for 4 very gentle miles along the tow path. Felt good to be back running on familiar paths but also a little sad the holiday was officially over.

Ran easy today as tomorrow is first long run for two whole weeks.

Friday, 17 August 2018

Up and out by 7am for the last run in France. We are travelling back all day today so needed to get 5miles in to bank the 30 or so miles from the week away.

Ran fairly easy as it was early and my body isn't used to such an early start since most of my running takes place in the evening.

Thursday, 16 August 2018

Went out this afternoon in cool and drizzly conditions. A change to the heat of June/July back home.

Legs felt quite heavy to start with so kept pace nice and easy. Actually felt cold for the first time in ages and glad I wore my long-sleeved training top.

Passed another runner who said "Hi". Then came to the end of one of the tracks I had been running along which meant a brief period (3/4 mile) on-road. The roads are minor so only two cars passed me. Weather deteriorated at this point.

Back into the forest and on tracks again. Running downhill towards the carrefour that led back to our cottage. Doubled back up a previous track and did some quick maths to ensure I ran 8 miles by time I got back.

Final stretch was again an opportunity to lift the pace as the runner I passed earlier was heading my way. Reeled him in going up a slight gradient. As I passed I kicked on and by the time I turned onto the farm track I was flat out. Last mile 6:39.

8 miles 1:01:59
HR average 141
Polar Index 74

Wednesday, 15 August 2018

Running solo this morning as Thom was fast asleep. Set off fairly easy as wasn't chasing Thom on the bike.

Felt comfortable although conditions were very humid. I was soaked after 15 minutes. Despite the oppressive temps I cranked up the pace which was helped by a few other runners being out. They were mainly older than me so made for good targets to pick off.

Another 8 bagged and ready for day of travelling up towards Saint Malo to meet with my sister.

Monday, 13 August 2018

Ran this afternoon with Thom on the bike. Pushed the pace again as he was enjoying his ride. At times I felt like I was going too quick but looking back over the stats I was okay and only hammered on towards the end.

Enjoyed another ride with Thom and the time certainly goes quickly with someone to talk to. We need to find a suitable route near home so that we can do this more often.

10 miles 1:14:28
HR Average 143

Sunday, 12 August 2018

This week ended with a wet 9 mile run in the forest tracks near our holiday home in Brittany. Thom joined me on bike.

After two days of travelling to Thorigné-Fouillard near Rennes (our holiday home) I didn't manage to squeeze any running in at all. With a 5am alarm call on Saturday to catch our ferry, my planned run on Saturday afternoon upon arrival did not happen.

After spending Sunday morning strolling around Rennes we returned to our holiday home and I decided to check out the forest tracks next to our base. Thom joined me on one of the provided bicycles. 

We set off in humid conditions, the tracks were perfect and I soon got into my stride. However, 4 miles in the rain came and didn't let up for the duration. 

Navigation was tricky but I was glad to have my phone with OS maps of the region loaded. You can easily rack up some decent mileage simply doubling back repeatedly, which is what I will probably end up doing next week. 

Me and Thom made it back after 9 miles soaked to the bone but happy enough. 

34 miles for the week which is fine as it was a cutback week and the traveling meant an enforced couple of easy days helped with tired legs.

Thursday, 9 August 2018

Easy 3 miles today as another long day at work meant there was little time to do anything more. Also, very tired today and didn't eat lunch so felt hungry and fairly under fuelled for the run.

Felt easy anyway and recorded another all-time high Polar Index of 76.

Weighed myself this morning at 6:15am and was 12st 8lbs (79.8kg)

Wednesday, 8 August 2018

I was dog tired before I started tonight having worked late again. Set out at 7:30pm intending to run 10 miles. I ended up tagging an extra 2 miles on for 12 since it was a cool night, I even wore a long sleeved top.

Since I felt so tired I didn't attempt to run progressively, instead kept the pace easy and bagged the miles.

On reflection I did pick the pace up a little Inthe last 5 miles. I started the run with a first mile of 8:15 but the last five averaged 7:35-ish so not bad considering.

Tuesday, 7 August 2018

Late out tonight because of late at work. Determined to get out and do something managed 5 miles steady with an easy warm up.

Ran on road via Ashton/Stockport Road route which may have accounted for some twinges in left ankle and right calf. Did some gentle stretching as can also feel tightness in shoulders.

Monday, 6 August 2018

Legs felt pretty good during tonight's easy 5 mile run. Hardly any effects from yesterday's long run. 

Managed to keep pace slow and HR followed suit. I even scored 70 on Polar OwnZone which I think is the highest it has ever been. 

I also noted the progress section of Polar flow projecting a 3:01 marathon. This is in-line with my progress pre Manchester marathon back in April this year.

All good signs that I'm heading Inthe right direction.

Sunday, 5 August 2018

A hot 20 miles this morning in temperatures that were up around 22/23 degrees at 9am. Probably should have got up earlier but I did enjoy the extra rest.

Set off quite conservatively at 8:30/mile and didn't really get moving until mile 4/5. By which point I was moving along nicely at around 8:00/mile pace. 

Ensured good hydration throughout and consumed 1 gel and 200ml of isotonic drink at 5 mile intervals.

Got to 10 miles and my turnround point in just over 1:20:00. Took the opportunity to stretch a little, took onboard more fluid, a gel and a carb bar. 

Set off for home a few moments later and didn't feel particularly brilliant. Had lost some rhythm. The heat was taking its toll so had to manage my fluids and adjust my hydration strategy. I basically opted for drink stops every 2.5 miles instead of every 5 miles. This required a brief stop at Aldi atthe 15 mile point to top-up my water bottles. 

The last few miles were tough but I found a decent rhythm once again and cruised home tired but happy to have banked another 20 miler. 

Took on board 1.5 litres of water immediately and SIS Rego carbohydrate drink.

Saturday, 4 August 2018

Steady 8 miles in good warm conditions.

Only slightest breeze on the canal tow path so was quite warm by the end of the run. Picked the pace up throughout to average 7:30/mile. Legs and breathing both fine with HR average 149 so perfect steady training.

Decent week so far just need to cap it off with a good long run tomorrow morning.

Friday, 3 August 2018

Easy 5 miles tonight. Quite humid conditions but pleasant enough at easy pace. Legs felt fine.

Wednesday, 1 August 2018

Decent run tonight in excellent conditions. Not too hot and barely a breeze.

Set off for 10 miles wanting to replicate last Wednesday's effort of averaging 7:35/mile pace. However, felt good after first 3 miles which felt sluggish and under-fueled, this despite eating two sandwiches for lunch (chicken and tuna).

Once the early fatigue and weariness passed I managed to pick the pace up and finished strongly. I even slowed in the penultimate mile thinking I had run hard enough only to see 6:55 pop up on the watch. I pushed on and marked another sub 7:00 minute mile.

Last four miles averaged 7:00/mile. Need to push this midweek 10 mile run towards averaging 6:50-6:30/mile.