Sunday, 5 August 2018

A hot 20 miles this morning in temperatures that were up around 22/23 degrees at 9am. Probably should have got up earlier but I did enjoy the extra rest.

Set off quite conservatively at 8:30/mile and didn't really get moving until mile 4/5. By which point I was moving along nicely at around 8:00/mile pace. 

Ensured good hydration throughout and consumed 1 gel and 200ml of isotonic drink at 5 mile intervals.

Got to 10 miles and my turnround point in just over 1:20:00. Took the opportunity to stretch a little, took onboard more fluid, a gel and a carb bar. 

Set off for home a few moments later and didn't feel particularly brilliant. Had lost some rhythm. The heat was taking its toll so had to manage my fluids and adjust my hydration strategy. I basically opted for drink stops every 2.5 miles instead of every 5 miles. This required a brief stop at Aldi atthe 15 mile point to top-up my water bottles. 

The last few miles were tough but I found a decent rhythm once again and cruised home tired but happy to have banked another 20 miler. 

Took on board 1.5 litres of water immediately and SIS Rego carbohydrate drink.