Saturday, 25 August 2018

20 miles today at 8:30am in perfect dry and cool conditions. The sun was out at times but the temp never went up too much.

First mile was easy pace in 8:15. Goal today was loosely to pace at 7:50/mile for the first 15 miles, then try to raise the pace towards planned marathon pace (PMP) which I am aiming to be 6:50/mile (2:59:59 marathon).

Things went to plan mostly up to 13 miles, then my watch complained of being low on battery. This prompted me to switch to a lower quality GPS setting. This coincided with me experiencing stomach pains for the first time this campaign.

Not sure what caused the pains. Possibly the fact I went for a curry last night, or maybe the protein bar and half a banana I ate just before setting off .

Whatever it was it was enough for me to lose some focus and combined with the watch issues meant I struggled a little for next couple of miles.

As it turned out the battery survived at set the GPS back to quality setting as it was adding the distance up wrong in the lower quality mode. Last two miles were decent but the planned faster miles at the end never happened. Not sure I could have done them anyway as was very tired.